A fast service

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A fast service

A fast service

At optical-center.com, we guarantee you an outstanding service
So as to shorten your waiting time, optical-center.fr has set up a new service of logistics and has selected a reliable and fast shipper. Upon receipt of your order, this latter is processed. The in-stock products are shipped on the same day and an email is sent to you telling you about the approximative deadline of receipt and giving you your colissimo code enabling you to track its progress. If necessary, your optical item is ordered automatically to the supplier and will be shipped to you upon receipt. Before your item is being shipped, we check that it matches all the quality standards and that it matches your order. Once the tests validated, we ship it towards your home on the very same day. Only an out of stock of the supplier or a postal services' strike can extend your waiting period. In this case, we'll inform you about it and we'll try to reward your patience. Optical-center.fr team, composed of online buyers, knows how everyone is looking forward to enjoy his purchase, this is why it does everything possible so you can enjoy your glasses or contact lenses as fast as possible.

Contact us

Assistance and advice

You can call us MONDAY TO FRIDAY for a purchase in store or online from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

(+33) 1 44 40 15 95

*(Carrier charges may apply)


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Insurance refund

Insurance refund

Warranty 1 year

1 year

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Fast Delivery