Legal Notice
Optical Center Legal Notice
The website is generated by Optical Center company- SAS Optical Center, simplified joint stock company, with capital of 10.000.000 euros, registered at the commerce and Paris companies' register under the number 382 372 993 and whose social seat is located at 74-76 rue Laugier 75017 Paris(France).
- Electronic address:
- Phone number (seat): 01 44 40 40 04
- Customer service: 01 44 40 15 95
- Intercommunity VAT number: FR95 382 372 993
- Number of authorization of exercice of the optician profession: CPAM 752615948
Publishing director: Optical Center
Optical Center is striving to guarantee at its possible best the accuracy and the update of the informations released on this site, of which it keeps the right to correct, at any time and without notice, the content. However, Optical Center can't guarantee the accuracy, the precision and the exhaustiveness of the informations made available on this website.
As a consequence, Optical Center accepts no responsability:
- for any interruption of the website;
- bugs occurence;
- for any inaccuracy or omission regarding available informations on the website;
- for any damage resulting from the unauthorized tampering of a third having modified the informations made available on the site;
- and more generally, for any direct and indirect damage, whatever might be their causes, origins, natures or consequences, including in particular the costs possibling resulting from the access of anybody to the site or from the impossibility to acceed to it or from the credit granted to any information indirectly coming from this latter.
Protection of personal data
Optical Center commits to preserve the confidentiality of eventual informations provided on line by the internaut.
Any personal data that the internaut might transmit to Optical Center for the utilization of some services is under the dispositions of the french Law n°78-17 "Informatiques et Libertés"(Computers and freedom) of January 06th 1978.
As such, the internaut has the right to acceed, rectify and delete personal data at any time by writing a letter at the following address:
Optical Center
74-76 rue Laugier
75017 Paris
To unsuscribe to our newsletters, you can use the dedicated link at the bottom of all of our communications. You can also send us an email via our contact form: contact
Report an adverse reaction
The internaut can make to the National Medicament and Health products Agency any report or alert regarding a product which would present an adverse reaction through the following link:
Legislation and regulation relatives to optics
The internaut will find under the following links the legislation and the regulation applying in optics and eyewear:
- code de la santé publique, art. L. 4362-1 and s., D. 4362-2 and s.
- decree of april 13th 2007
Regulation ODR(Online Dispute Resolution)
The regulation named ODR(Online Dispute Resolution) is an independant extrajudiciary procedure, impartial, transparent, efficient, quick and fair to resolve conflicts resulting from the online sale of goods and services between different countries of the UE, through the following link:
The website can include links towards other websites or others Internet sources. Since Optical Center can't control these websites and these external sources, Optical Center accepts no responsability for making available these sites and extern sources, and can't support responsability regarding the content, advertising, products, services or any other available material on or from these sites and extern sources. Furthermore, Optical Center will accept no responsability for any damage or loss proved or alleged consecutive or in relation with the use or with the fact to have trusted the content, the goods or services available on these sites or extern sources.
Conception and realisation of the Optical Center website
Strauss, 8
Phone: 01-83-62-71-94
Host of the Optical Center website
45 Mount Street Upper
Dublin, 2, Irland
+353 1 639 0037
Assistance and advice
You can call us MONDAY TO FRIDAY for a purchase in store or online from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
(+33) 1 44 40 15 95
*(Carrier charges may apply)